Sunday, September 18, 2011

Clean up!

Here are a few before and after pictures.  Several weeks ago, I rented a dumpster.  John and my brother Mark cleared out trash and opened windows.  For those of you that have been in the house before clean up, I'm sure you'll be stunned at the transformation!  This is probably the first time in years that someone could actually walk through the house.

 Back room.

Middle room in the back.

                               Looking through the 2 back rooms from the front living area.

 Front living room.

From the front door, looking into the foyer and left "best" room.  See the before picture above?  You could hardly get into the house! 

The front "best" or  "fancy" room.  We'll do our best to keep this room as original as possible!  The blue color and decorative wainscoting are amazing.

Upstairs, John stands beside the front window. 

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