Showing posts with label Exterior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exterior. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Porch Paint

Here's the front porch:

and the back porch:

Notice the beautiful heart pine door thresholds!  We plan to leave these unpainted, choosing instead to apply tung oil and varnish to protect them and keep a natural wood look.

Below, a few earlier detail pictures of the thresholds on the back porch:

Saturday, August 24, 2013

A White Farmhouse with a Metal Roof . . . Classic!

We have finally arrived at painting the house.

Below, the last remaining East side underwent siding repair and replacement.

Below, old paint removed.

Below, painting the house white. 

Below, the back porch ceiling. The trim, shingles, and porch ceilings are painted in a SATIN finish.  The clapboards are a FLAT finish. 

Below, the front.  We discovered in the 1942 picture that the front gable trim was a half-circle, and we restored this trim detail.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Porches complete. Almost . . .


What a transformation!  When I look at the before pictures, I'm reminded of early discussions with our contractor and how far we've come.  We knew the stone columns supporting the house had to be replaced, since a solid foundation needed to be built.  We wanted to add an open porch with column supports to recall the old house columns.  We ended up choosing brick rather than stone to tie in the chimney.
Now, the back porch wraps around the back of the house, and we have steps!  The porch metal roofing is installed!  Our contractor was able to match it to the main house.  Later, we will repaint both the new and original roofing.

Before . . .

Now . . .

More Before . . .

And Now . . .

The front is a focal point.  It's the face of the house. Rebuilding the front porch has the most visual impact for the neighborhood and larger community.  And it definitely attracts a lot of visitors!

Before . . .

Now . . .

More Before . . .

And Now . . .

Monday, May 13, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Porch Update . . .

The first day of work, Sept. 2, 2011.  Dumpster is in the front yard, and fifty years of stuff is removed!

and today.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Porches again . . .

Our contractor started several weeks ago with the back porch, and this week began the front.

I'll show you pictures of the old porches first, then show you what it looks like now.


At some point, the original porch was replaced by a shed style roof along the back addition.  Our contractors told us that prior to this shed style, the house had a full L shaped porch along the back with a hip roof.

Before . . .

During . . .


Next week, the metal roofing will be installed.  Also, brick columns will support the porches.  The same brick we chose for the fireplace and chimney.  And siding and trim repair!

Before . . .

During . . .

You can even see our dogwood in bloom!