Showing posts with label Renovation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renovation. Show all posts

Sunday, March 20, 2016

FIVE years later . . . transforming one room into our back hall entrance, laundry, and bathroom.

This was the back room behind the kitchen. We are nearly complete with a rear entrance off the back porch, a laundry room, and bathroom. A good time to look back and be grateful.

A plan.

Five years. They seemed so slow, but went by fast, right?  :-)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Upstairs Unfinished Attic Update

After we bought the house in 2011, we climbed up through the small square opening in the kitchen ceiling into an unfinished attic space.

Below, almost immediately, we cut a small opening in the upstairs front wall so we could access the attic.

2014, a doorway was framed.

We could now walk into this back room for the first time!

The floor boards were pulled up, and extra joists and inserts added for additional structural support.

An antique heart pine floor.

A plan . . . 

Below, adding support and framing walls. (pictured, just one of the talented carpenters and craftsmen working on this house!)

Framing walls for rooms.

Duct work, insulating new walls and pine boards to finish the walls.

Heating/Cooling unit, and a new mechanical room.


Hallway to the third bedroom. Bathroom door is to the right, and the mechanical room door is also to the right, in the front, just out of view.

Looking back down the hallway to the original front part of the house.

Looking into the attic space before . . . 

And now. . .
