Showing posts with label Mechanical systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mechanical systems. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2015

Not pretty, but . . .

Electrical hook up, Well. Sceptic. Grading. Grass seed and straw. New gravel.

Not the aesthetic aspect of renovating an old house.  But maybe, the most necessary.

All major systems are complete. And the pictures may not be beautiful, but we are very satisfied.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Electrical work continues . . .

Renovating an old house feels like a rollercoaster ride.  We chug along for months, suddenly we reach the crest, down we go, and the pace picks up.  Projects are ticked off quickly.  Then, we slow down, and catch our breaths.  Time to review, think, imagine, and plan.

Roughing electrical continues.  Plumbing next, but we still need to figure out the second floor bathroom. 

Light switches at the front door.

Light switches at the rear foyer door. This one is four switches.

 Top of the stairs outlet for a night light.  We don't want anyone falling down the steps.

Second floor bedroom.  Work continues . . . 

Hmmm . . . second floor bathroom. . . 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Shoring up the second floor and Roughing in Electrical

With floor boards removed on the second floor, we sistered new joists next to old ones.  Then blocked inserts between the joists.  This eliminated the springy feeling, and it's now rock solid.

Blocked inserts below

With the floor boards still removed, we have roughed in electrical upstairs.  Ceiling lights for the first and second floors, and second floor outlets and lights switches.  Done.

And the first floor bathroom.

Still much to do, but we've come a long way!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lights in the House!

Our electrician installed a lightswitch, ran lines, and placed ceiling light outlets in each room.  When we were there last weekend, we flipped the switch, and the house was illuminated.