Saturday, January 21, 2017

The East Side Revisited

Two years ago, I posted about the back side of our house, here.  This is the other side . . . the east side.  No doors.  We live and view the house from the front, west side, or back.

When we do walk around the house, this east elevation always takes us by surprise with its simple geometry.  It is perfection.

Let's start from the beginning.

August 2011. (wearing our rose-colored glasses!)

June 2012.  Foundation work began.

Entire house floating on wooden pillars as almost three feet of soil was removed.

December 2012.  Block foundation completed.

April 2013.  Exterior siding and trim repair began.

July 2013.  Finished siding repair, and prepared for paint.

August 2013.  Paint makes everything look better!

November 2013.  Repaired windows installed.  See John in the kitchen window?

For the last three years, we have been working on our interior renovation.  Although we still have work to do, we are nearing the finish line.  Several weeks ago, we spent the weekend doing a few small projects, but we were finally able to just be at house.  Here's the back side as we took a very enjoyable walk around the property.
