Sunday, November 23, 2014


We continue to shore up the second floor.  With the front of the house complete, we move to the back unfinished space.  This space also needed to have additional support. Joists are now sistered, and blocked inserts are done.

We will be finishing this area with a second floor bathroom and a third bedroom. Here's the plan (freely drawn!):

The upstairs front floor has been reinstalled. Yay!

And the second bedroom wall is up.

Can we look back?  Here are a few pictures of the second floor from our first visit to the house in spring 2011.

I'll leave you with a better image from last winter of John installing the restored second floor back window.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Electrical work continues . . .

Renovating an old house feels like a rollercoaster ride.  We chug along for months, suddenly we reach the crest, down we go, and the pace picks up.  Projects are ticked off quickly.  Then, we slow down, and catch our breaths.  Time to review, think, imagine, and plan.

Roughing electrical continues.  Plumbing next, but we still need to figure out the second floor bathroom. 

Light switches at the front door.

Light switches at the rear foyer door. This one is four switches.

 Top of the stairs outlet for a night light.  We don't want anyone falling down the steps.

Second floor bedroom.  Work continues . . . 

Hmmm . . . second floor bathroom. . .