Sunday, March 24, 2013

TWO Fireplaces and a Chimney . . .

Chimney and fireplaces complete.  One more major structural renovation done.  When we started the chimney project, we thought we would only get one fireplace finished, but because we had to reconstruct the chimney, we redid both fireplaces. We chose brick still made in the old way, with wooden molds, that matched the old brick chimney stack.  Here is a series of pictures that tells the story. We'll begin where the last post ended.  The stone chimney is removed, and the foundation is poured.  In the end, all the stone is saved, and will be reused for a stone wall.  Each firebox is 20" deep.  The living room fireplace surround is wider, suggesting a grander, more formal look, while the kitchen's is narrower--a more functional space.